Sekundarschule Petermoos ZH

Pemo brings sunshine to school

A good climate has always been important to us at Pemo. It forms the basis for successful learning. Now we want to help even more actively to influence the climate of the earth positively and sustainably. By participating in the climate school project, we hope to gain many new ideas and impulses. Join us and support us in making climate protection and renewable energies a tangible experience for our students!
When we built the new PEMO ARENA and our beautiful triple gymnasium, we already thought ahead: The roof of the building should be able to support a photovoltaic system at a later date. Now this time has come and the secondary school community Regensdorf/Buchs/Dällikon, member of the supporting association “Energiestadt Regensdorf”, realizes together with the community Buchs a large-scale plant, which will supply valuable electricity. We are already looking forward to reducing the CO2 emissions of our school and the PEMO ARENA in the long term and thus making an important contribution to a better environment.

Ralph Zollinger and Evelyne Meister
School Board

Local voices on the campaign

«Our local future is committed to the global climate future. It is essential to support this vision»

Stefan Büsser / Comedian and moderator, living in Regensdorf

«It is absolutely worth supporting when young people take climate development and therefore their future into their own hands. It is high time for this!»

Priska Hänni / school president

«The young people experience how clean energy is created and used in their school building. This promotes sustainable and climate-friendly thinking – I am convinced of that!»

Patrick Matter / Manager Matter Garten AG and former Pemo student

«I think it’s great that the students of the Petermoos school can make their first active contribution to a successful energy transition.»

Pascal Schmid / Municipal President of Buchs



Sold Out!

The Sekundarschule Petermoos has successfully completed the crowdfunding of the «Every School Counts – Climate Protection Makes School» campaign. The sale of 500 ideal CO2 educational units enables the implementation of effective student projects on the topics of climate, energy and sustainability, as well as numerous measures to reduce the school’s ecological footprint. Some projects and educational activities already carried out can be found under «News».

Click here to find news from Petermoos on the german project page.


Click here to find media articles regarding Petermoos on the german project page.

Click here to find photos and videos regarding Petermoos on the german project page.